港督柏立基就職演說 Governor's speech at Inauguration Ceremony 23 Jan 1958










港督葛量洪就職演說 Governor's speech at Inauguration Ceremony 25 Jul 1947

以下是港督葛量洪於1947年7月25日在娛樂戲院(King's Theatre)的就職演說全文(譯文):








My wife and I were deeply touched by the warm and friendly welcome which we received on our arrival this afternoon and which we are now receiving from those of you present in the King’s Theatre.

We come, as has been said in the address of welcome, not as strangers to Hong Kong; it is in fact to us our second home. We were married here. We have spent more than half our married life, more than half our working years in this Colony. We have a number of friends of [illegible], and it was indeed very pleasant to see so many well-known faces on Queen’s [illegible] this afternoon. I also have doubt that amongst this audience before me there are many others whom I count as amongst my friends and who I hope count me as their friend.

Nevertheless, though it is not as a stranger that I come to Hong Kong, I realise full well that the Hong Kong of 1947 is a very different place from the Hong Kong that I left in 1935. There are many more problems, and these problems are much more difficult and much more intricate.

We, however, are not unique in this. There is no country in the world today that does not have its problems somewhat similar to ours, to a greater or a lesser extent. The question of shortages for instance, food — that most important and fundamental of all things; shortages of rice, shortages of wheat, shortages of sugar, shortages of meat. Materials, shortages of timber, of steel, of cement. Shortages of manpower — engineers, doctors, teachers, technicians and shortages of money.

Now these shortages that I have mentioned affect everything, not least housing. During the last few months, I have visited a number of countries and in all of them housing was a great problem. Some of the smaller communities in the South Pacific, in Australia, in New Zealand, in India, in Canada, in the United States, – yes, even the United States, – and the United Kingdom, housing was the tremendous problem.

Then again education is affected: lack of teachers, not enough schools. Health is affected. Communications are affected. Where is the stuff to design these airports; the materials to construct them, and the money to pay for them? The cost of living two, the tremendous increase in the cost of living, comes directly out of the shortages.

The world also suffers from a great deal of political unrest. Fortunately, in that regard, Hong Kong is free and as has just been said in the address of welcome to me, Hong Kong is about to take a great step forward on the democratic path by the establishment of a Municipality, and also, and this is sometimes overlooked, another very important step — the creation of an Unofficial majority in the Legislative Council.

No is maybe said that I have rather stressed the difficulties before us. I have not done that with the object of giving myself an excuse for throwing up my hands in despair and saying, "the task is too big, I just can't do anything about it.” On the contrary, I reckon, as I know you do too, as a challenge for the utmost exercise of one’s ingenuity for the utmost effort in putting forth one’s strength, both mental and physical.

At the same time, I think it is a good thing that we should realise that there are other parts of the world that have their problems as well as we have. Nevertheless, so we should regard of problems in their proper world setting, it is in our own house that we have got to put in order. It is no good trying to solve other people's problems – that is quite beyond our strength. We must concentrate on our problems and we must help ourselves. By doing that we shall of course relieve to some extent the United Kingdom from the burden that she bears. Also, in helping ourselves, we should work in the friendliest and closest cooperation with all my dear friend and neighbour, China.

The recovery to date of Hong Kong has been remarkable. I have heard it commented on very favourably in a number of countries, by people that have had the opportunity of passing through Hong Kong and seeing what has been done. I think that reflects the greatest credit on my predecessor, Sir Mark Young. And all the people in this Colony.

This afternoon I do not propose to go into the details of the various tasks ahead of me. I want to study them on the spot, but I assure you that I shall not hold anything up and delay matters. Nor do I propose to list all the problems that we have to tackle. There is, however, one matter on which I feel I must comment, and that is the University. I regarded as a matter of the greatest importance that the University should become a first class institution, a beacon of enlightenment and culture in this part of the world.

You, Mr Morse, and Mr Chau, and ladies and gentlemen, have offered me your cooperation during my tenure of office. I gladly accept that offer. Without your help I can do nothing. So my concluding words or, "let's go forward together to make a shining example of Hong Kong by showing what work and cooperation can achieve.”

(From China Mail)

港督尤德就職演說 Governor's speech at Inauguration Ceremony 20 May 1982














Sir Philip, Sir Sze-yuen, Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am very grateful for your kind words and for the warm welcome which has been extended to us. I have just taken the Oaths of Office as Governor and Commander-in-chief. I am proud and honoured to have been appointed to this position. I recognise the heavy responsibility for the good government and well-being of the people of Hong Kong which this office bears and I pledge that I will do my utmost to fulfil it.

Hong Kong has much of which it can be proud. In a highly competitive world the enterprise of its manufacturers and businessmen and the skills and application of its workforce have brought it prosperity and success. This, in turn, has provided the means for remarkable achievements in housing a rapidly increasing population, in the spread of education, the improvement of medical and social services, better recreational and cultural facilities, and impressive transport works. With the expansion of the Legislative Council and creation of the elected element in the District Boards the channels for the expression of the wishes of the people who live here have been widened. From a modest port Hong Kong has grown into a large and modern city ranking with the other great cities of the world. I pay tribute to all those who have worked to achieve this transformation, and particular tribute to my predecessor whose outstanding contribution has been so widely recognised.

Hong Kong has indeed come a long way since I first saw it more than thirty years ago. But there will remain much to be done. In this changing world no society can or should stand still. I come at a time when many important programmes are in progress on which people count for improvement in all that can make Hong Kong desirable as a place in which to work and bring up a family, and a city to be proud of. It will be my constant endeavour to advance these programmes. To support them there will need to be sustained economic growth and an environment in which the drive and enterprise of all those who contribute to that growth can be given full scope.

For this to be achieved Hong Kong will need confidence in its future. It is not surprising, given the circumstances of the lease that this issue should be now be raised. I believe that there are sound grounds for confidence and that the omens are good. The commitment of Her Majesty’s Government to Hong Kong and the interests of its people remains firm. The relationship with the People’s Republic of China on which so much depends has never been more cordial. If there is an issue to be addressed, there is also in addressing it, a common recognition of the vital importance of the continued prosperity and stability of this Territory and a common wish to preserve them. In consequence, I see good reason why confidence should remain high.

The world is going through a difficult economic period and the going may be tough but Hong Kong has shown that it can survive and prosper in hard as well as easy times. In this enterprise, the Government must also play its part in partnership with the private sector.

In all this, I know how much I will need the advice of the Executive Council and the support of the Legislative Council and I thank Sir Sze-yuen for his promised support of Unofficial Members. The Government will depend too on the vital roles of the Urban Council, the District Boards and the many advisory boards who contribute so much to make Government effective and responsive to the interests of the people of Hong Kong. I look forward to working with all the elements of the public service, of whose high quality I am aware and I thank Sir Philip for his expression of their support.

As Governor, it will fall to me, with your support and guidance, to lead the many-sided efforts of your Government. I pledge again that I will do all I can to contribute to their success, to the welfare and prosperity of the people of Hong Kong and to making the future of this Territory a bright one.

港督麥理浩就職演說 Governor's speech at Inauguration Ceremony 19 Nov 1971















Governor's speech at Inauguration Ceremony

Following is the speech delivered by the Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose, at the Inaugural Ceremony at City Hall on November 19, 1971:

I am most grateful for the general remarks of Sir Hugh, Sir Albert and Sir Cho-yiu. Your remarks and the reception we have received since we landed have deeply touched my wife and myself. It is indeed wonderful to come home to Hong Kong again after all these years.

I am proud to have been appointed to the governorship of this colony. It has been impressed on me in my travels how well-known and respected Hong Kong is throughout the world for its success, and for the happy example which it presents of multi-racial operations.

I realize the weight of responsibility for its well-being that now devolves on me. I am profoundly conscious of how well my friend and predecessors, Sir David Trench, bore his responsibility; and on taking up this office. I would like to pay tribute to the determination with which he upheld the interests of the Colony.

Though I have visited Hong Kong at fairly regular intervals, I have not lived here since 1962. I have no illusions that Hong Kong to which I now return is the same as that I used to know. The statisticians have explained, for example, that since then economic activity has trebled, consumption of electricity has trebled, and bank deposits have quadrupled.

As I crossed the harbour today, I could see for myself that factories and great buildings have multiplied. It has always been a Colony which has earned admiration for the success, courage and ingenuity with which it has faced and overcome great problems.

Now it has taken its place as one of the great cities in the world, a manufacturing and trading centre of very considerable international significance, a growth area which is without parallel, a port and communications and tourists centre of importance — one could continue the list indefinitely.

My first task will be to do all I can to ensure that this growth and expansion continue. Economic prosperity provides the only foundation on which all our hopes for the future can be built.

In the past few weeks, there have been worrying signs that protectionism, especially in our main market, has re-emerged in the world and threatens our prosperity and that of many others. It is my fervent hope that this phase will prove temporary, and that the world will return to comparatively liberal trading conditions. It is such conditions which have fostered the extraordinary rapid growth of economic activity in the world in the last 25 years.

It is in the highest interest of Hong Kong, indeed it is in the highest interest of the world, that they should be maintained.

As Hong Kong has become more prosperous, it has been possible to look beyond the bare necessities of existence and devote more resources to improving conditions of life. Great strides have been made. I look forward to hearing more about these developments and the policies behind them, particularly those concerning housing, medical services, social welfare and education including, of course, technical education, and how they and other policies to be developed can show increased benefits to the people of the Colony in the next few years.

Our object is prosperity with social progress. I am very conscious of the fact that this can only be based on the confidence generated by sound administration, political stability and, above all, law and order. I have heard of concern about recent trends in the observance of law and order. Here again, I look forward to hearing what policies are planned to bring about an improvement.

I fully realize that in Hong Kong this problem is as complex as it is in most other great cities, and that solutions are not easy. Certainly in finding them the active cooperation of all responsible people is vital.

I arrive at a period of rapid change in the world, and, in particular, in the Pacific area. Hong Kong can only benefit from the new situation. Its main characteristic is recognition of the facts of international life and this should encourage calmer and more productive relations in the area.

I am confident that Hong Kong will continue to flourish and grow in this new climate, to find new outlets and new profit for the skill and ingenuity of the people, and to improve the conditions of their life. One day let them more nearly match the beauty of the sea and mountains that surround us.

It will be my purpose not only to maintain our present level of development but also to encourage both Government and the community to further progress so that the people of Hong Kong will find it an even better place to live in.

This, ladies and gentlemen, will be my object in the years ahead.

Ends/Friday, November 19, 1971
Issued at HKT __:__